About The School
School Profile
Chalcot Lodge Primary School is committed to safety and well-being of all children and young people. This is the primary focus of our care and decision-making. Chalcot Lodge Primary School provides a child safe environment where children and young people are safe and feel safe, and their voices are heard about decisions that affect their lives. Particular attention is paid to the cultural safety of Aboriginal children and children from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds, as well as the safety of children with a disability. Every person involved at Chalcot Lodge Primary School has a responsibility to understand the important and specific role he/she plays individually and collectively to ensure that the well being and safety of all children and young people is at the forefront of all they do and every decision they make. Our students are the central focus of all policies and programs.
The school is organised into 14 straight classes, consisting of 2 classes at each year level. We aim to provide a stimulating, positive and caring environment where learning is enjoyed and valued by all. The school is innovative, responsive to change and has a comfortable atmosphere where students, parents and staff enjoy working and learning together.
Chalcot Lodge Primary School offers an extensive range of curriculum programs that nurture student’s individual skills and interests. Our Literacy and Numeracy approaches provide individualised learning pathways for all students based on best practice research. The school prides itself on exemplar explicit teaching of concepts, targeting students points of need and having high expectations for all students.
We enjoy an excellent reputation within the community and wider education sector and are proud to be one of a select few schools in the state to be a Professional Learning Community Link school.
Chalcot Lodge Primary School empowers all students to embrace learning, achieve their personal best and build their emotional, social and physical well-being. Our school values of excellence, empathy, inclusive, respect, resilience, courage, perseverance and safety are a part of every aspect at our school.
Chalcot Lodge Primary School empowers all students to embrace learning, achieve their personal best and build their emotional, social and physical well-being.
Why Chalcot?
We aim to provide a stimulating, positive and caring environment where learning is enjoyed and valued by all. The school is innovative, responsive to change and has a comfortable atmosphere where students, parents and staff enjoy working and learning together.
Chalcot Lodge Primary School offers an extensive range of curriculum programs that nurture student’s individual skills and interests. We are a high performing school with high expectations and excellent academic results. Chalcot Lodge prides itself on exemplar explicit teaching of concepts, targeting students points of need within the Victorian Curriculum Continuum.
Strong School Values
Chalcot Lodge has strong school values that reflect the departments approach of a cohesive link between students Wellbeing and Learning.
Research based best practice in Literacy and Numeracy

Systematics Synthetic Phonics approach to ensure a focus in the junior school on learning to read and point of need literacy concepts approach in the senior school as students transition to reading to learn. Our Numeracy approach provides Individualised learning pathways for all students based on best practice research.
Professional Learning Community (PLC) Link School for Southern Melbourne
PLC Link School
We are proud to be one of a select few schools in the state and one of four schools in Southern Melbourne to be a PLC Link school and assisting other schools as a system leader.

Innovative whole school approach to Wellbeing with a specialised Wellbeing teacher and integration within the classroom weekly timetable. The Wellbeing program incorporates zones of regulation, Respectful relationships and the Resilience project.
Specialised subjects and Electives
Chalcot Lodge offers four other specialist subjects along with Wellbeing, PE, Mandarin, ICT and STEAM. Chalcot also has a student voice elective program, allowing students to choose other subjects to experience each term throughout the year.