Student Wellbeing
Students have a right to a happy, safe and inclusive learning environment, which is free from any form of racial discrimination, sexual harassment and bullying. Teachers and parents working in the school have a right to expect cooperation and good manners from the students they teach. Patience, compassion and inclusiveness should be displayed by all. Emphasis will be placed on the reinforcement of positive and exemplary behaviour that is in line with our School Vision and Values.

The Student Wellbeing Policy contains the school's attitude to positive behaviour and its belief that, through provision of clear and logical boundaries for behaviour and positive encouragement, students will develop self-esteem, self-discipline, honesty, independence, responsibility and consideration for others.
Our Non-Negotiables are:
Always adhere to our school values (Empathy, Excellence, Safety, Inclusiveness, Respect, Resilience, Perseverance, Courage and Kindness)
A ZERO Bullying Culture
Take pride in our school facilities and equipment
Take pride in wearing your school uniform
It is essential that parents and teachers work together as a team using a consistent approach and supporting each other in this important area of social development.
Our school aims to:
create and maintain a positive and engaging school culture
create and maintain environments that are safe and supportive
value diversity and promote pro-social behaviour
promote school attendance
adopt a staged approach to promote positive behaviours
apply disciplinary measures that are logical and age-appropriate